Armco Safety Barriers have a very important role to play in separating and protecting people and property in areas where they may come into conflict with vehicles or machines. This applies to many situations from the industrial workplace, retail parks, car parks, hospitals to schools.
UntensionedArmco safety Barriers are designed for low impact and low speed, up to 50 mph, internal and external applications.
Metafence supply and install 610, 710 or 760 mm high galvanised Armco Safety Barriers with posts that may be bolted down or set in a concrete foundation. The three main types of posts used for Armco Barriers are universal beam, 'Z' or channel; sprung or impact posts are also available which help reduce damage to both the barrier and machine on impact.
The corrugated beams are fixed to posts at 3200 or 1600 centres and the ends of each run are usually protected with fishtails.
Pedestrian safety rails may also be added to the structure in areas where people are walking or working directly behind the barrier.
Please contact us for further information.